2022・11・05-《舒茲與佛漢威廉士的聖詠選章》Schütz & Vaughan Williams: Sacred Songs

2022・11・05-《舒茲與佛漢威廉士的聖詠選章》Schütz & Vaughan Williams: Sacred Songs

疫情尾聲將近,遠方硝煙未退。香港和聲將於今年秋季為大家演唱兩位歷經戰亂的歐洲作曲家—舒茲和佛漢威廉士—的聖樂作品。 十七世紀作曲家舒茲遊歷歐洲各國,將意大利威尼斯風格帶到德國德累斯頓。可是,三十年戰爭摧毀了這個音樂殿堂;戰後舒茲的作品規模縮小,風格也由宏偉輝煌轉趨簡約純樸。香港和聲將於是次音樂會上演唱舒茲晚年的聖樂作品:以七十二歲之齡寫成的《十二首聖詠》當中的六首。 生於英國的二十世紀初作曲家佛漢威廉士,在兩次世界大戰的戰場上奔走,歷經失去同僚好友的創傷,積極以音樂療癒傷兵及平民。今次音樂會上大家將可欣賞佛漢威廉士於一九四一年所寫的經文歌《堅忍勇士》,以及二次大戰終結後的《合唱的華彩號曲》。在烽火與疫情中,期待平安喜樂早日重臨。 In this Autumn of abating pandemic and ongoing wars in distant lands, Hong Kong Voices brings to you sacred songs by Schütz & Vaughan Williams. The 17th century German composer Heinrich Schütz travelled extensively as a young man and arrived at Dresden with the grandiose Venetian polyphony. However, as the Thirty Years’ […] more…
2022・06・25-巴赫《耶穌,我的喜樂》及柯利吉亞諾《蕨山》Bach Jesu, meine Freude & Corigliano Fern Hill

2022・06・25-巴赫《耶穌,我的喜樂》及柯利吉亞諾《蕨山》Bach Jesu, meine Freude & Corigliano Fern Hill

踏入初夏,香港和聲為觀眾帶來一場橫跨歐美的合唱音樂盛宴。《蕨山》由囊括普立茲獎、格林美獎及奧斯卡金像獎的美國作曲家柯利吉亞諾於1960年寫成,據英國著名詩人戴蘭‧湯瑪斯的同名詩作作為歌詞,懷緬童年的天真爛漫、故鄉的自然風光。《耶穌,我的喜樂》是巴赫經文歌中篇幅最長、結構最為嚴謹、曲式亦最多變的一首,通過十一節音樂,表達對上主的堅定信靠。此外,香港和聲還會演唱巴西國寶級作曲家魏拉-羅伯士的合唱作品。 經歷漫長疫情,香港和聲期盼通過音樂滋養觀眾的心靈,迎來新的氣象。 As we approach summer, Hong Kong Voices brings you refreshing and exciting music from Europe and the Americas. From Bach’s timeless motet Jesu, meine Freude, to the soundscape of Pulitzer, Grammy, and Academy Award winner John Corigliano, join us for some brilliant and exquisite choral music in June! “John Corigliano is the most […] more…


  延伸經歷漫長的等待,渴望延續解決不協調和弦打破寂靜發出內心的呐喊   After a long hiatus, Hong Kong Voices presents their 2021 annual concert – Fermata. In the choral art of tension and release, never has it been more dearly felt than the past prolonged period of isolation and silence. Beyond the inevitable sense of closure, the fermata became an extension of expectation, and […] more…
2020・01・11 & 12-《艾布爾的夜宴》”The Banquet at elBulli”

2020・01・11 & 12-《艾布爾的夜宴》”The Banquet at elBulli”

  「他們依言赴約來了, 要告訴我們什麼呢?」 They attended the banquet as promised— had they got something to tell us?   在傳奇分子料理餐廳艾布爾,祭司般的廚師改變食物的型貌、抽取它們的特質重新編織。這個夜晚,作家與老友們,還有年輕詩人和舞蹈家一同赴宴朝聖,細啖生命中各種滋味,是惋惜是哀傷,是驚詫是慈悲…… 〈艾布爾的夜宴〉是已故香港作家也斯收錄在《後殖民食物與愛情》中的短篇小說;整場夜宴如同一場劇場演出,而作者亦藉此探索藝術的本質及其通靈性、其通靈性及可塑性。本地室樂合唱團香港和聲,在指揮蔣頌恩的帶領下,偕同劇場人李君衎及作曲家盧定彰,回歸表演藝術的祭祀形式,讓音樂、文學和劇場直接對話,以半舞台式清唱劇重構這一場「盛宴」。  At the legendary restaurant elBulli, food and ingredients were transformed by its high priest of molecular gastronomy, their essences extracted then weaved anew. A writer and his old friends embarked on a gastronomic pilgrimage and arrived […] more…
2019・06・08-巴赫經文歌及布烈頓《聖尼哥拉》Bach Motets & Britten “Saint Nicolas”

2019・06・08-巴赫經文歌及布烈頓《聖尼哥拉》Bach Motets & Britten “Saint Nicolas”

眾生皆有困惑之時:米拉城主教尼哥拉曾受逼害身陷囹圄,但憑堅定信心見證無數奇妙恩典;相同的信念由先知以賽亞,到使徒保羅以至馬丁路德,一直為世人於痛苦和試煉當中帶來盼望與力量。 香港和聲藝術總監林敬基,現時亦為美國查爾斯頓交響樂團及伊利諾伊州交響樂團的音樂總監,所指揮的演出獲《紐約時報》評為「美妙平衡又振奮人心」。他將再度帶領香港和聲,聯同首席指揮蔣頌恩為觀眾帶來巴赫及布列頓的音樂, 娓娓道出這些傳奇故事。 Even the best of us had their moments of doubt—Nicolas, Bishop of Myra, was once prosecuted and imprisoned, but through his steadfast faith we saw numerous miracles of piety. The same faith has promised Isaiah the Prophet, Paul the Apostle, Martin Luther and more, hope and strength through their individual ordeals. Praised […] more…
2019・01・05-羅西尼《小莊嚴彌撒曲》Rossini “Petitie Messe Solennelle”

2019・01・05-羅西尼《小莊嚴彌撒曲》Rossini “Petitie Messe Solennelle”

一八六三年,年屆七十一歲的羅西尼在巴黎寫成《小莊嚴彌撒曲》,是他少有的宗教合唱作品,戲稱為他「晚年最後的罪」。羅西尼年輕時的喜歌劇作品膾炙人口,這套彌撒曲也是一貫的睿智明快:近八十分鐘的音樂不帶半點沉重,輕盈典雅的鋼琴及風琴配合震撼人心的合唱,加上如歌劇般抒情華麗的獨唱樂段,就連當時最年青前衛的作曲家也深受啟迪。 香港和聲將在首席指揮蔣頌恩帶領下,與四位香港青年歌唱家羅芷盈、潘子健、李家澍、馮日曦,聯同鋼琴家陳倩婷及風琴演奏家林芍彬一同演出這部合唱傑作。音樂會將於二零一九年一月五日(星期六)晚上八時於國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學以勒音樂廳舉行,萬勿錯過! Best known for his comic operas, Rossini retained his signature joy and humour in his Petite Messe Solennelle (1863), calling it “the last mortal sin of my old age”. Written in Paris at the age of 71, this late masterpiece is neither little nor particularly solemn; instead it is an extensive choral work […] more…
2018・06・16-更新 Renouveau

2018・06・16-更新 Renouveau

每年六月,香港和聲都會以20及21世紀的當代音樂為主題,為大家帶來一系列「當代合唱音樂沙龍」。第五季我們將為您呈獻多位當代音樂大師的法語合唱作品,包括德布西為中世紀奧爾良的查理的詩詞譜上情感細膩的合唱旋律,拉威爾於第一次世界大戰初期以另類幽默手法描繪戰爭的短曲;莉莉・布蘭潔創作天才雖因她的早逝畫上句號,但仍掩蓋不住其雍容華麗的合唱作品;《雲雀》合唱選段是伯恩斯坦為法國現代作家安提戈涅的劇作配上樂曲,以截然不同的角度刻畫聖女貞德的審判與受刑。 適逢2018年為德布西和莉莉‧布蘭潔的逝世一百週年,也是伯恩斯坦的百年誕辰紀念,讓我們於《星籟天韵音樂會》為您帶來一次充滿新鮮感的法式旅程! June is a month where we celebrate music composed in the 20th & 21st centuries, and this year in our 5th season of the Contemporary Choral Series we will present some rarely-heard choral marvels, including the Chansons by Debussy and Ravel: Debussy created his songs on medieval poems by Charles of Orléans; Ravel’s […] more…
Season Preview 2018/19 樂季預覽

Season Preview 2018/19 樂季預覽

Here we announce our 2018/19 season! 6/2018: Contemporary Choral Music V “Renouveau”: Debussy • Ravel • Lili Boulanger • Bernstein 當代合唱音樂沙龍(五):德布西 • 拉威爾 • 莉莉 ‧ 布蘭潔 • 伯恩斯坦 (part of All Saints’ Cathedral The Celeste Concerts 星籟天韵音樂會 series) 12/2018: Rossini “Petite messe solennelle” 羅西尼《小莊嚴彌撒曲》 -/2019: Britten cantata “Saint Nicolas” 布列頓 清唱劇《聖尼哥拉》 Support us 贊助2018/19樂季: […] more…
2018・01・06-盼望 Hope: Brahms “A German Requiem”

2018・01・06-盼望 Hope: Brahms “A German Requiem”

    面對母親離世的傷痛,布拉姆斯寫成了他唯一的安魂曲。這首《德意志安魂曲》,以細心揀選的德語聖經段落,代替傳統安魂彌撒的經文,讓合唱團以盼望療傷,安慰世間哀慟的人,昇華成「人」的安魂曲。在黑暗當中,盼望的曙光讓我們確信人性的善與美。 In the wake of his mother’s death, Johannes Brahms wrote his masterpiece A German Requiem. Replacing the Latin texts with passages carefully chosen from the German Bible, the result is (in Brahms’ own words) a “Human” requiem, one that comforts the bereaved with hope in life ahead. In the darkest hour, the […] more…
2017・06・03-根源 Roots

2017・06・03-根源 Roots

六月:「根源」 香港和聲《當代合唱音樂沙龍》第四回,夥拍多位香港作曲家,回歸根源探索這個中西文化匯聚的城市,從古今中外的文學詩詞出發,在浪者與世界公民的身份之間找尋廿一世紀香港人的定位。 June: “Roots” The fourth concert of our Contemporary Choral Music series, we turn our focus back to our roots and examine the city that has nurtured a distinctively East-meets-West culture. Taking inspirations from classical poetry and modern literature, we go on a journey with some of the most outstanding Hong Kong composers, searching […] more…
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